About us:
Many of our employees speak a second language and can answer your questions in French, Portuguese, English, Arabic, Kurdish, Croatian, Polish.
Farkhunda Nedai, Helga Josten (Kinderkrankenschwester), Melani Brauer, Martina Bos, Elisabeth van Cuyck, Ramona Geneit, Amina Mamo
from left: Patricia Wiesner (Emmerich), Judith Bettray (Goch und Weeze), Katrin Heyl (Kleve), Lis Tenelsen (Kalkar), Mara Brookes (Kleve und Rees)
One or two coordinators look after each location.
Katrin Heyl, Tel: 01511/4783186
Goch und Weeze
Judith Bettray, Tel: 01515/ 1785097
Lis Tenelsen, Tel:0160/3474200
Patricia Wiesner, Tel: 0151/72712646
"There was always a person you could contact for nice and not so nice incidents."
"Dealing with my child became more relaxed and I have learned what my child needs."
"In everyday life the games that were carried out could be implemented well."
"You could get good advice in exchange with other mothers and cultures."
"As foreigners we felt as a part of society. My children had a better start in the educational system."
"familyplus helped me deal with my baby as I had no experience."
The “Mobi” play mobile regularly drives to certain playgrounds in Kleve and can also be found at play- or district celebrations.
The season starts in April and ends in October.
The Mobi employees carry game materials and small handicrafts with them.
The staff will be happy to help with any questions you may have about starting daycare.
The dates, times and locations can be found on our Instagram accout:
familyplus ist ein präventives Spiel- und Lernangebot für Eltern mit Kindern.
Seit 2008 wurde das Programm in Kooperation mit dem Caritasverbandes Kleve in Kleve, Goch, Kalkar und Emmerich durchgeführt. Seit 2022 die Stiftung Anna-Stift für die Durchführung und Weiterentwicklung verantwortlich.
Das Programm konnte durch das Projekt „Kita Einstieg - Brücken bauen in frühe Bildung“ des Bundesministeriums für Familien, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend weiterentwickelt werden.